My first post

Hey everyone! My name is Hannah, and welcome to my first blog post. This blog will involve a lot of information on Crime and Punishment, how this has changed throughout time and what certain inmates, writers,  and upper authoritative  figures have left behind through various forms of Literature.

Introduction To My Blog!

Hello readers. I apologise if my blog looks a tad messy at the moment, as this is the first blog I’ve ever created before. If you’d like, call me Mayo, (as that’s a nickname I had as a kid, AND it’s the first thing I thought of so I thought I’d use it-haha).

As this is an introductory blog, I’m just going to briefly talk about what this blog will include. To begin with, as I’ve never written a blog before, I wanted to talk about the interesting aspects of Crime and Punishment, that is to say, how crime has changed from the 18th century up until now-which it has A LOT. Also, one thing I find particularly interesting that has changed through time is attitudes towards what classifies as crime and what doesn’t. If you want to follow my social media to be updated for when I create a new blog post, then please do follow and DEFINITELY subscribe to my blog- I’d appreciate it a ton! 🙂

Mayo xox

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